
We apply all the main and supporting principles of good corporate governance in the Indian Corporate Governance regulations and related guidance. As a responsible company Qualtra Pharmaceuticals, we also disclose any significant ways in which our corporate governance practices differ from those followed by Indian Corporate Detailed information concerning our performance in regard to corporate governance, during 2012, can be found in the corporate governance section of our Annual Report Information on our corporate governance performance in preceding years can be found in our previous Annual reports.

The Board

We have a highly experienced Board and Senior Executive Team. The Board is responsible for the Group's corporate governance, sets the Group's strategy and policies, has overall responsibility for the oversight of risk and also monitors progress towards meeting its strategic objectives and annual plans. The Board discharges these responsibilities through a program of meetings that includes a formal, annual strategy review. The Board also assesses whether or not, and to what extent, its obligations to the Company's shareholders and other stakeholders are understood and met. This includes regular reviews of the Group's financial performance and critical business issues. More information on the principle roles and responsibilities of our Board can be found in the corporate governance section of our Annual Report Corporate Governance Report Board of Directors Current


Qualtra Pharmaceuticals Qualtra independent external auditor is elected each year by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. Read the independent auditor's report to the shareholders of Qualtra Pharmaceuticals P Ltd Articles of Association Articles of Association (Qualtra Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd) Share option plans for employees in Coming Financial Year Read details of our share options plans for employees (Notes to the Group Financial Statements).